Dear all,
You should have already been informed by SLs.
Mon 22/2/10, ALL MUST report to band room promptly after school (Sec 1 and 2 - 1400, Upper Sec 1420 or 1530) for a quick check if you have uniform. Tailor is coming for the last time, to take measurements for 'special uniform' for colour guards. The seniors who indicated that you need to make another set of uniform can only do so, provided you have really tried to exchange uniform till you cant fit into any. I will check person by person if you really have the uniform and tick against a list.
Failure to do so will cause severe consequences:
1) Not enough money to make uniform for those who REALLY need.
2) Tailor cannot start making in time, and we will NOT have uniform in time for SYF.
Also, I have gotten vendor to send in sample sets of marching shoes. You will try and I will take down the size and order in bulk. I will try to check if all students can use edusave for this.
If we are going to do all these much later - tailor or vendor may not get things ready for us in time. Recall: 2 years ago, even when shoes were sent, there were also sizes problem and a lot of things need to be done even then.
After this stage of Uniform + Marching Shoes check, the next round will be checking of black socks and gloves. Some of you may think that you can buy at shops yourself. BUT trust me, NOT EVERYONE always does as told. If EVERYONE DOES AS TOLD ALWAYS, things will of course be so much easier. I seriously need ALL YOUR COOPERATION.
Many thanks.
Ms Neo HJ
Dear all,
Do study hard and all the best for CT1. Only when you do well, then your parents will grant you the permission to come for more intensive practices in Mar till SYF. So, it is like your 'passport' to better preparation for SYF. All the BEST!
If anyone needs help in Science, Maths or Physics, you can arrange for a group session with me. As a family, we work together! =)
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holiday! =)
Wow.... the drink is so cooling ...
Smile first, then eat the potato chip =P
Yo band members! Here's the update for band prac next week.
Monday: 8 Feb
Attire: PE tshirt and shorts.
Reporting time is 3pm for seniors. And 2.30 for sec 1s.
Wednesday: 10 Feb
Attire: Band tshirt and shorts
Reporting time is 3pm for seniors. And 2.30 for sec 1s.
Wednesday remember bring your crackers/snacks :D
This 2 prac is the last prac before CT1!! Remember to bring your formation chart, pencil. If your SL prepare the folder for you, please take good care of it. They put in the effort to make the file for you guys, must treasure it! haha.
For Friday's prac, although many of us were like not so uptight, we still managed to get a 1 or 2 or 3 more formation done right? If everyone settle their own formation first, then go help others, it will be easier :) Ok, so, good job my leaders.
And Chinese New Year is coming soon :DDDD Ang pao! Muahaha!