Dear all,
Today, is over. Or I should say- yesterday - Sports Day 30th March 2010. I would like to especially thank these people for making it possible (even though some of them dont read this blog).
1) Tailor Grace - who loves us so much to rush the job for us
2) Shoe vendor at Beach Road - for scolding Ms Neo like a dog, yet to help in the end when we needed to do some exchanges.
3) Shoe vendor at Tampines - for giving me his hp no. and opening his shop at 0730 in the morning when 2 pairs of shoes suddenly had to be purchased on the day of performance.
4) Uniform IC Shameerul and supportive team and good friends - Sea Mei, Li Qing, Kai Jun, Marcus, Wah Guan
A BIG thank you for settling all the repairs of headgears, distribution of shoes, waterbottles, etc.
5) Alumni - who came back to help with repair of headgear. Some received my smses to be back to help.
6) Miss Liu - for helping with the repair of headgear etc.
7) Majors and SLs - for assisting in all small or big matters for respective sections.
8) Drum Major JJ - for knowing what is important and believing in yourself to determine the outcome and not vice versa.
9) Alumni Joseph - for guiding Ms Neo the direction to the clinic.
10) Mr Ghazali, Mr Andy Luo and NurZakiah for doing band duties and areas of responsibilities dutifully.
11) Band conductors - for all the guidance on the formation etc.
12) SYF BAND AND COLOURGUARDS - For trying so hard, and still trying very hard till the BIG day.
13) P, VPs, CCA HOD - who really love the band and support in ways that they can when I approach them.
14) Anybody else whom I might have missed and yet made everything possible.
15) Myself - for loving band dearly and doing something I thought is impossible. I swam and reminded myself when I saw this advertisement (100 Plus - Outdo Yourself)
Beloved Band - It's just the beginning when everyone turns up, yet the Ending is so NEAR.
11 more days.
Hang in there.
Remember those who encourage, motivate, scold yet love us
FAMILY - Nobody gives up in order to make it stand strong!
From Ms Neo Hui Jun
Teacher IC
This week very tiring yeah? We had 5 practices this week. Somehow I felt like day camp just ended again. I can't really remember I went to school this week except for band. LOL.
We are only left with 13 days. No time left! SLs, please always always always remind your section again and again to do things fast! Sports day. We have one more days left to Sports day. Nobody wish to embarrass ourselves infront of our school and classmates by our mistakes right? You don't think "So many people on the field, nobody can recognize me one la." YOU'RE WRONG. They can see us. Your friend will find you. They will concentrate on you then the other band members. If you got any mistakes, later they will say to you "Eh, ____, you just now go wrong way is it?"
To prevent any mistakes, SL, please call them and get ALL YOUR MEMBERS PRESENT FOR BAND PRAC TMR. UG and non-UG members, tell them, they have to be responsible. I don't have to elaborate why. Just think, what you feel when this particular UG band person don't come for band prac? You will only remember what CCA they are from.
I've been enjoying myself throughout this week's prac. I can feel more of us are putting in more effort. I love the "Nobody" part la! OMG. HAHA, so funny. To enjoy "Nobody", to be able to do it properly, shake more. To shake more, you have to throw away your "face" and take the courage to SHAKE! Tell yourself, I can't let anyone say I'm stiff. So I MUST SHAKE. Train shaking at home. HAHA.
Happy happy things. In such a big CCA like band, there bound to be unhappiness right. Just try not to agitate each other. Worst case, stay away from each other. Its less than 2 more weeks only what. Very fast over one. Just bear with it :)
Yes, its less than 2 more weeks. I can't believe that I'm going to step down soon. 3 and half years of being a band member. You know, school is boring. It only can give you memories on study, study, study, scolding and punishment, staying back, teacher nagging, classmates' nonsense. But band, the bond and friendship that through our tiring time spent together are formed, memories of us playing games, fooling around, memories of us running the field together, memories of us complaining, memories of us eating our lunch together. We can't find this kind of stuff in other places. I feel this, especially in this few weeks, that I'm glad I didn't quit band after SYF 08. I'm glad that I stayed on, to be a part of this big family. T_T I'm missing band already. HAHA.
You know, only the strongest will survive!
I'm very thankful for this blog. HAHA, because if I'm asked to say this infront of you guys, I will run out of words. I hope, the rest of the batches will keep this blog. Will continue updating. Leaders after leaders. Especially my assistant band majors. They only post in this blog less than 5 times. And its all about reporting time, that I force them to post. -.-
Imagine, after 20 years, if Springfield still exist, and band still exist, and on a random day you come and visit this blog, see what the current SPF band is doing, and then click on the history, and read all this stuff again. The feeling is weird, like "I DID THAT IN THE PAST?!" If I'm asked to read this 10 years later, I think I will feel weird. HAHA, like asking myself "I typed that?!" And don't change this blog URL. Because, not only band members visit this blog, seniors, alumnus, teachers, schoolmates, visit this blog too.
Prove those people that look down on us, and feel that we can't achieve anything WRONG. Prove them. Believe in ourselves that we, one day, could tell them in their face "AH HA~ See, we did it! Shame on yourself to look down on us!" And I really hope that we would be the batch that will be able to prove others wrong. To tell others, we did it. :) So, keep on fighting, we can all do it :) Because?
Dear Band,
You had probably heard enough from me in school today. I just want to say
Do rest on Thursday. Hang in there! Together, we -AS A FAMILY, marches on ...
Ms Neo HJ
Teacher IC
FOCUS for this last 18 days till SYF.
We can all do it, because we are one BIG FAMILY!
My dear juniors,
Months of practices, Days of endurement. How are you guys doing? Tired isn't it? We, as alumni, do not want to see you guys exhausted. so, HAVE GOOD REST. and, the reason we are so harsh on you guys, not because we want to torture you guys. but, the date is nearing. Time is not in our control. We love the band. Thats the reason We are going back. You think we have this kick of scolding people or being sacastic or whatsoever you people call it, you're so wrong. We wanna support all of you, that pillar of support when you are tired. We wanna be that source of encouragement to you people. We wanna be there when you are tired, happy or even when you cry tears of joy after SYF. We love this band, We love the people inside as well. We know all of you are really tired. So are WE. We are tired as well. We are tired of nagging too. YOU'RE really not alone. We know you might not understand this yet, but ask yourself why the seniors actually bother going back. We love you and we want you to grow. Nothing stops us from seeing you guys grow into a person so inspiring in the future. We really wish you all the best for SYF. Sometimes it just hurts. Sometimes, maybe we unknowingly compare you with the pass batches, for that we apologise. We really really hope you'll understand. Seriously. Life have not been that easy for us as well.. JIAYOU JIAYOU! We believe in all of you! You can do this! :D
remember, EVERYTHING CAN BE DONE. AS LONG AS YOU PUT YOUR HEART AND SOUL INTO IT. you guys will definitely succeed. (;
Alumnis. :D
Dear all,
Just FOCUS, DO it! We are so close to the big day, yet it feels so far. I was looking at you today from level 2 till you ended, if you didnt know. The attendance did not seem as good. =(
I chose not to speak to you today as I was not in my own motivated top form. I know I do not have the inner strength to encourage all today, as I wasnt able to even encourage myself these few days. My heart seems to stop beating for 2nd time of the year. Really.
Same thing goes for you. Sometimes, you will feel down, lost, discouraged. Do not show it out and influence the people around you. There will be a spiral effect that causes all to feel down. I have rested, and gathered my inner strength with the help of my loved ones. You can do it too. When you feel like giving up, talk to people - people who are more experienced (seniors) and people who can understand you. Get your loved ones (friends and family) to inject you with enthusiasm. But most importantly, after that, you got to pick yourself up and move on! I did, so I believe you can too!
Life goes on regardless of how you feel for SYF - nervous, scared, numb, excited, happy. Aim, FOCUS, score!
I will be there to encourage you in the afternoon tomorrow. Literally. I bought 10 large Pizza Hut pizzas for those who make an effort to come back on Sat to train hard. Pamper yourself. You truly deserve it, if you had done your best. If not, you better work harder after eating my pizzas. =)
Band - You gave me the strength to carry on. Your determination and vigour makes me feel stronger. I hope I can do likewise to you too, or at least your friends can.
Hang in there. Just FOCUS, DO it!
Band Teacher IC
Ms Neo HJ
"Pain Is Temporary, Glory Lasts Forever"
ever heared of that?
we just need to install this few words to ourselves and anything is possible.
30 more days.
and we're done.
no band practice for 1 to 2 months.
just a bit more guys!
i mean,
its just 30 days!
its not far away.
your effort determines COP, BRONZE, SILVER OR GOLD.
your aim would be just a silver,
but let me advise you,
"Reach Up For The Skies, For Atleast You Fall, You'll Touch The Clouds"
so aim for Gold is better. if we fall, we fall to silver.
all we have to do, is to help one another.
like that, everyone will improve.
need help?
take the initiative to ask the SLs or MAJORS.
they will definitely help you.
a few more days guys!
you put in a lot of effort, we can end with a good and desirable result.
you guys dont have to be scared though,
as your friends or "family" is beside everyone of you, supporting and encouraging you guys, all the way.
you may not feel it now but you will definitely feel it on SYF day itself.
"Nothing Is Impossible, Its All In The Mind"
To all commitee and SL.
what Mr Ivan lim trying to say is that,
meaning, you don't just say or comment about the band. you need to do something to improve the band. someone must take the trouble to tell the members.
like what Janice said, you cannot depend on majors. although majors is the first one to step forward. the majors try to talk to the members but most of them do not have interest in band.
although our performance is good, it is still not enough attain silver or gold! Now, you guys just putting in 70% effort, how about the other 30%?
effort in just talking?
effort in just laughing?
or other activities?
The day before SYF, are you going to put in 100%? or 200%?.
The band practice will be more tough and tiring for some of you guys because the majors will increase the number of punishment but
this is because.. almost all of the band member do not have moral value and self-discipline. all of you guys are allowed to talk but that doesn't mean that you must talk for 24hr in band. things that are not relevant to band, you can put it aside and talk AFTER band.
the band need more BONDING!! so senior, you must talk more to the juniors.
and juniors,
you guys are the juniors and you guys have no right to scold or to say vulgarities to your senior.
if the majors saw things happening like that, the majors will straight away punish you guys. we must have the discipline as we (the band) are the biggest family in Springfield.
I, Hamirul (ADM), will talk to all of the band members when we all have time!!
Now focus on your marching, gimmick, and music OKAYY!!
to all of SPFMB
to the sec1,
there is a possible way to play the music like your seniors,
just that you guys need to put in the effort to learn!
- Hamirul Asyraf..(ADM)
Saturday BAND prac. !060310!
Dear band,
This is Miss Neo. How do you feel when SYF is nearing? I feel for you, that is why even when I am not 'on duty', I will try my best to be with you to know how you are. Feeling tired, nervous, scared, drained, excited, happy, worried?
Remember this: You need to keep yourself healthy, especially when you are so busy with studies, band practices, and some are even involved in Speech Day Parade or other hubs. Sometimes, nobody knows or realises how busy you are. Only yourself, or probably I sometimes notice. I will try my best to help you. But, you must learn to prioritise. Reject invitation by other hubs etc, if you know you are already involved at Parade etc.
I know some of you are concerned that the new instruments have not arrived. You are worried if you can adapt to it. I am sorry to say that due to shipment etc, they will arrive earliest in 2 weeks' time from now. Do not worry too much, as the new instruments are supposed to be better to play. Also, as seniors, try to encourage and motivate juniors and own peers who are showing signs of giving up. Don't give up, because we are so close to the BIG day. Hang in there, we will all make it through!
Look forwards to the BIG day. Gear up, right now! Put in your very best so that you have no regrets. Never say how sorry you are only after something happens. Stop skipping band and give excuses to yourself that it is ok, 1-2 times only. Believe in everyone, try all you can, put in your VERY BEST EFFORTS. We are all in it together.
For Mar holiday day camps, it is going to be one final rare chance to practise really hard. Turn up punctually! Leaders are planning bonding games etc to bond the sec1s and the rest. Think about it - leaders are so busy, yet they plan for you. So, how can you let them down?
It is going to be over really soon, as it is left with about just ONE month. How do you want this learning process to end? It all depends on YOU! To be able to hold your head up high, or to sigh and say 'if only' I have practised harder .... it's your choice. After the BIG day, Sec 1-3s will stop and have a very good break from CCA till Semester 2 July. Sec 4-5s will study really hard to prepare for the national exams. We will miss one another dearly then, if you don't feel it now. Trust me. Create this valuable experience of 'being together through thick and thin' from now till the BIG day.
On a brighter note, this year SYF is at Indoor Stadium. It will not be as scary as the super big Outdoor Stadium. Adapt as much as you can at the venue when we go for rehearsal on 23rd Mar 2010. It is our one and only rehearsal day. DON'T MISS IT!
Stop all complaints. Complaints bring people down. Motivate one another now. It's now or never ...
All the BEST!
Miss Neo HJ
Band Teacher IC
Tmr, Wed:
Attire: BAND tshirt and pe shorts!
Time: 2.30 for sec 1s. The rest 3 :)
Attire: PE tshirt and PE shorts.
Time: 2.30pm
Attire: Band tshirt and pe shorts.
Time: 8am - 12 pm.
BRING YOU WATERBOTTLE! I RECOMMEND 1.5L bottle! For thursday rehearsal haven't confirm all 25 members or only Hamirul and Yeeheng! Will update once I know.
Study hard my dears. Manage band and studies well. We're left with around 1 month plus. The feeling on the stadium field and on the school's field is totally different. The stadium's field makes you feel small, feel so vulnerable. But you know, you turn left and right, your lovely buddies are beside you. On the actual day, before you know what is really happening, everything ended already. The scoldings, the running, the punishment. Then you won't see the sec 4s already. Don't sad. -.- Then you all will have a long break. The longest one since I joined band when I was sec 1.
And there's one thing. I know the band is bigger now. But words go in from left ear and come out from right ear? Or go in from right ear and come out from left ear? Everyone so talkative. Talk and talk and talk. Talk never mind. Don't have to talk so loudly right. The band room also not very big. When you stand in there and listen. Like all the spoil radios operating together at the same time. Put yourself in your leaders' shoes. Think if you're in their position, what will you do and feel? When you reached the certain position, be it in band, or class, you'll realized how irritating it is.
And some of you guys complained that prac is tough. If this is tough, meaning the sec 3s and 4s went through hell la? If we managed to survive "hell", I don't see why now all of us can't go through "tough" together.