Hi band members!
How's your holiday so far? Its ending soon ): Wanna rest more? Hehe. Well, no band activity at all in this holiday. Bored at home, right? Wait for announcement for band practice! Then, you all can resume band practice, play with your instrument, learn new songs, play new stuff, meet up with your band friends, etc. Sadly, I won't be there. ):
Heard that the band room is renovated or what? Lucky all of you. Treat the band room well. Our home <3.
Now, hurry up and finish all your not-done homework! I believe there must be people that have not even start doing your homework right? Never too late. Quickly start and can at least finish some right? :)
This is just a random post. :) Ok, take care my band members! Love you! Hahahha!
Dear Band,
So, you had enough rest during this holiday? I am sure most of you had. Some of you realise that without band practices, you seem to be very bored! Do you miss band practices, band friends, etc?
Usually, you start to treasure something more when you don't seem to have it with you. A late realisation. But it is better than never. =)
Anyway, I do hope that I can get something in place for you soon. But, sometimes it is not within my control totally. So, wait in anticipation for upcoming band practices, direction, plans after this holiday.
I do want to thank the core group of students who came back last Fri and this Fri to do instrument stock take + shifting everything from band to music room. Hope the room will be ready when the term starts! It is heart-warming to see that this group of students come back willingly and within a short notification. Thanks!
See you soon! Before you know it, the holidays will be over ...
Teacher IC
Ms Neo HJ
why is this blog so dead!
okaaay. enjoy alright!